Tuesday, January 13, 2009

D-Day is around the corner!!!

Well all the work, sacrifices,pains, early to beds, early to rise, personal trainers, yelling ,cursing

worrying, & ice baths are all behind us. It is time to put the talk behind us and put the feet to the pavement. Thats right, this is Mary's BIG week. She has worked her arse off to reach her goal that is so close she can taste it now. Sunday afternoon we wil be celebrating her big victory and getting on line asap to get registered for THE Boston marathon!!!

Wish us good luck, and stay tuned her for the results of by how much Mary blows away the qualifying time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Finally, we have made it to 2009

Ok, so I have a lot of things to be thankful for, and can't wait to kick it into full speed ahead mode. 2009 is going to be even more amazing than 2008! If you can believe that.
I have been seeing a PT for 3 weeks now trying to workout my achilles and hip issues. Let me just say that Astym is probably the least pleasant thing I have ever experienced in my life. I say this knowing that I have competed in countless marathons, and 5 Ironman races. I have spent time in several medic tents, and have recieved 2 IV's (Chicago Marathon 2004) after said races. Have spent my time in the Army and going through the gas chamber without a mask on,
but to actually pay someone to peel your skin off of you while awake is in another category all together. That is what it feels like to have Matt take his special blunt metal scrapper to the back of my calf and achilles and scrap until he sees blood. I highly recommend trying this atleast once in your life!!! The funny thing about it is that when I meet with my massage therapist yesterday it made it so I couldn't even feel the fact that she was digging deeper and deeper into my muscles. Guess my pain threshold has just went up yet another degree.
This is all being done so as to have myself in tip top shape for my fall trip to KONA BABY!!!!
2009 is going to be another year of firsts for Mary and I.
Mary's first time qualifying for Boston, my first trip to Kona for the Ironman World Championships, the first time that Mary will run the Boston Marathon, and the first time we will run it stride for stride with one another experiencing all it has to offer together. I can't wait!!!
Who know's maybe I will even marry her this year!
Stay Tuned....