I sit here on July 2nd thinking about my long weekend of suffering on the bike and run in some amazing heat and humidity, and thinking about all of my friends that are going away for the weekend for one reason or another. i.e to go somewhere cooler, to take some off days from training, to watch fireworks, etc...
It sounds crazy, but I really am looking forward to my sufferfest this weekend. Guess thats why I am going to Kona and some of the others aren't. It is not that I am "that" special gifted guy. It is that I am self motivated and work my ass off EVERY day.
Last year at this time Mary and I where in recovery from IMCDA and doing some sightseeing and running in Sedona and Flastaff for the 4th weekend. As much as we both really enjoyed it, needless to say neither of us could stand actually taking two days off from running, so we ran everyday, Sedona on some strange road and in a park that I could never find again if I had to, and then at 7000ft in Flagstaff. Our 1st times ever visiting either place.
This weekend it will be Training and Tour de France all weekend. We can't wait!!!
Happy 4th of July!!!!!!!!!!!!