Since the last time I left you I have been a little busy with training, and trying to get myself back into proper shape. Amazingly the older I have gotten, the harder it is for me to recover after races and the harder it is to come back from time off. So my plan going forward is to make sure I don't have to take any more forced time off due to stupid injuries. i.e. broken clavicle, broken foot !!!
So as usual in January our local Rock N Roll Arizona marathon rolled around. Due to Mary and my 2012 race schedule for Ironman, etc... we decided that if we where to go back and run Boston in 2013 that this would be the race to qualify at. Well life threw us several curve balls and when race day rolled around I had only been running for a few weeks and in NO kind of shape to be running, let alone racing a marathon. The simple goal was for both of us to run just fast enough to hit our Boston Qualifying times. Well to make a long story short, Mary for her 2nd time at this race had to pull out half way through due to a knee injury. After walking with her and talking about it, I decided to go ahead and finish the race up. Good news is I qualified, bad news is I ran a slow (for me) 3:07 marathon, also bad was that Mary didn't qualify, thus leaving us with the issue of getting her healthy again and picking out a new 26.2 to get her BQ. I will update you on this topic next week :))))
Then because of said lack of training miles, as Feb approached and the Pemberton 50k, we had to make a painful decision to not race the 50k option that we had planned on doing since doing it last year.
We instead made a wiser choice of doing the relay option. I started the team off with a 1:44 loop and an overall pace of 6:49 per mile. I slapped Mary's hand and she took off and smashed her loop with a 8ish minute PR of 2:08!!!!
Team Knott-Beaver took second in the relay division. A solid training day for the bigger picture ahead.
In between the two races we took a little trip to St George to preview and do a training weekend on the Ironman course. After two days driving and three days of training we all knew what we needed to do to prep for race day. GET ON OUR BIKES and ride BIG HILLS!!!
Its going to be an epic race day come May. I'm getting excited just thinking about suffering for 140.6 miles again, and the french fries afterwards!
For now it is time to smash myself on the bike and hit MT. Lemmon and Sunflower as often as possible.
I hope to have some great news next week to share. Fingers Crossed.
until then, Be Safe out there!!