After months of training and dreaming about getting to Nov. for Ironman Arizona part II, I am actually here. Now I am trying to just put in the finishing touches on my training, and start my official taper (taper starts the 10th). I have really been putting in some stellar training sessions with very promising results, but must say my body is begging for the taper to start. See mentally I love the suffering, but my body is saying ok already, you have suffered enough for a while, lets get to the rest and the race!!!
This weekend I will swim the OPen water 2.4 mile swim down at Tempe Town Lake (the site of the Ironman swim start), at 10:30 sunday, and that will really signify the beginning of the end.
I woudl of course love to put up this super fast time, but because you never know the accuracy of the course distance I will not get to concerned with the out come on my watch, but will pay more attention to how I feel and what kind of effort I put in.
Mary heads to Napa on thursday to celebrate her fathers 60th B-day (HAPPY B_DAY JIMBO), and will return on sunday, just intime to see me come out of the water. Then I am getting a kick ass massage from Christina, and relaxing this old body!!!
The picture at the top is my bike computer, with my new fastest speed I have hit on my bike
That is 52.6MPH!!!!!
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