Friday, June 26, 2009

Where did it go....?

I sit here looking at my last blog, it was two weeks ago already that I tuned 41 years young.

In addition I am at the end of my recovery week wondering where the hell the week went!!

Alot has happened in the last 24hrs, reminding me of how fast life goes by.

Yesterday the world lost two major aerican icons. First thing in the morning I heard of Farrah passing, she lost the battle with a horrible illness that I would not wish on my worst enemy.

Then later in the afternoon it was Michael Jackson. As a kid I absolutley adored Farrah and her "POSTER", I mean charles angels was a must see tv show.

As for MJ. Well he was simply the most powerful single person EVER to record music. He reinvented himself over and over, and even though his personal life was a freakin nightmere, people all over the world loved and adored him. As Mary said yesterday, he was the equal of Elvis for anyone between the ages of 30-60.

Well this weekend we will go to Mt. Lemon to suffer a little bit on the bike & run. I am sure that their deaths will ring in our ears for some time!!!


Friday, June 12, 2009

They say it's your birthday!! Nah, nah,nah!!!

Now this is a BIRTHDAY CAKE!!!
Yes it is June 12th!!! My 41st b-day. So at 9:27 pm this evening will actually be the 2132th week that I have been on this earth.

The cool thing about a persons birthday is that you just feel like you have a little more spring in your step, and many of the worlds worries are kinda forgotten for a day.

My money issues, my car issues, that house needing cleaned, the fact that I haven't shaved in a few days, etc... They will all be there tomorrow, so i will deal with it on June 13th! :) or not!

It is also a great day to reflect on life, and all the life experiences that one has had.

I try not to think what if??? You make choices in life that at the time you coud never fathom will shape your future they way they do. You can't forsee how things workout, and you never make a choice at the time that seems like a bad idea. It is so easy to say I wish I could have, or would have, but in the end you have to be happy with your choices, because without those paths one has taken you wouldn't have ended up with all the great experiences and people that are in your life at the current.

As a person who probably would have ended up playing Major League Baseball and having more $$ than i could ever imagine, but I made choices that took me another way when several of my friends followed the path and did so. If I hadn't made the decisions I made at that time in my life i would never have ended up in Wisconsin, would have never meet my ex wife, would have never had my beautiful daughter Megan, and would have never ended up in Illinois and meeting my lifes true love and best friend Mary! So even though it seems like sometimes you take the wrong paths and make bad choices, you have to let life play out and appreciate it for what it is.

I truely am fortunate and would never go back and change a thing!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

My work has been noticed

Inspirational Moments in Ironman: Five
Gaylia Osterlund offers up her fifth installment of inspiring Ironman stories
Published Monday, June 8, 2009
This month we feature two Ironman qualifying stories - Gilbert, Arizona's Dan Beaver, pictured here and Delaware's Margaret Amidon.

Dan Beaver – Gilbert, Arizona – Running for Seconds
It would be the same race, but later in the year where Dan Beaver would redeem himself.
At Ironman Arizona in April, 2008, Beaver was having a solid day. He started the run alongside Chris, a guy from his age-group, and they ran stride-for-stride for most of the marathon. It was in the final mile where the dynamic shifted. The two came around the corner, entered the finish chute and what was a friendly rivalry became an all out sprint to the line. With just 25 yards to go, Beaver fell off the pace and finished 11 seconds behind Chris. What the two didn’t know was they were racing for the last slot to Kona in their division.
Fast forward to Tempe in November of 2008. All day, Beaver kept reminding himself that every 11 seconds counts. Little did he know how well his mantra would serve him. At the spot where he had been dropped by Chris in April, he willed himself to pick up the pace and, as he made that same turn, he saw a very different picture.
“There was one more guy in front of me but I could not see the age on his calf,” he explains. “I told myself to keep pushing because he could be the one to get the last slot.”
In his last acceleration for the pass he glanced down and saw they were the same age.
“I just went with all I had to the line. I finished 12 seconds ahead of him and this time, I claimed the last slot in our age-group!”
In a year where every athletic endeavor is going his way, Dan says those 11 seconds lost are a lesson he will never forget.