Tuesday, June 17, 2008

T- Minus...???

Yes the count down I have been trying not to do for the last couple of weeks has started. I figured if I acted like I wasn't counting the days to go then I would stay more focused on the here and now!!!
Guess what? That ended today. I officially started thinking about the days, hours, minutes to race morning? Probably because we leave tomorrow at like 6am for Idaho. 24hrs from this moment i should be @ the race site checking out the course, and dipping my big toe into the ice bath we are calling "the swim leg of the Ironman".
Not only will I not have access to any blogs or facebook or any other computer games, but frankly I wouldn't be apt to use them anyway over the next 5days. I have only one thing on my mind, and that is can I find those 11seconds?!
I have done everything I can do to keep myself together for this race, I feel like I have trained harder on the bike than ever before, my swim feels strong, and my secret weapon (the run), well lets just say I have used duct tape, stitches, rubber bands, and super glue to just keep myself and my achilles on the road. I know come about 6 1/2 hours into the race on sunday when I start my run, I will not feel anything and I will be thinking of only one thing... Kona baby!!!
Keep your fingers crosssed for Mary and I, and check back here next tuesday or wednesday to see if we survived!!!
GO MARY!!!!!! GO DAN!!!!!!!

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